Great day for writing. I cranked out 11 pages today on my urban fantasy WIP. If I keep up the good work, I'll meet my self imposed deadline:) I hope to have my MS polished and complete by July:) Working full-time and writing is no easy job:( But, on the upside, I can always muster enough energy for four or five pages.
I found a great new blog called Deadline Dames featuring two of my favorite authors, Rachel Vincent and Keri Arthur. You can click on the Pride cover on the right of my blog and find it there. They are really hitting home with some great blogs with advise and tips for writers.
I forgot to mention yesterday, Rachel's new book Pride is out. The snow is melting so, I should be able to get out a little later and pick it up.
I found you! Congratulations on completed what you had planned. It seems that we have the same rough idea in mind--I also would like to have a decent draft for Midsummer. Maybe we can keep each other motivated.
BTW, I went to the link you suggested and here is my own suggestion: Magical Words at http://magicalwords.net/ Faith Hunter’s Blog. I’m not sure if you follow it already, but if you don’t you should, those guys are amazing (especially Faith!).
See you around and don’t work too hard. Okay, that was a lie, go type until your fingers go numb!
Is this your first MS also? I already have an idea for another MS not related to the one I'm currently writing.
But, I also have ideas for other MS's related to the one I'm currently writing.
The authors at Magical Words are amazing. I read it everyday:)
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