Well, I logged on to the internet after re-writing my short story for the 2nd time that I'm planning on submitting, and found out that my short story I entered for a contest didn't win.
I really didn't expect to win the first contest I've ever entered but, I was hoping to at least place.(Sigh) Not only am I disappointed at not placing but, I got no feed back from the contest. I didn't even get a form letter letting me know the winners had been announced.
Well, I'm certainly glad I did my re-write before I found out about the contest.
I'm a writer (journalist) and recently won my first contest. I didn't expect it.
So just keep writing and keep your head up.
It's worth it.
Thank you so much Susan. I have to admit I was a bit bummed that I didn't place at all.
I guess I can call myself a real writer now, I just got my first rejection:)
I'm keeping my head up and heading to Raven Con tomorrow!
I'll save up a hug/dinner/drink for you at RavenCon. ;-)
Contests are a lot like the submission process. It's extremely subjective. I've entered contests where I didn't place and still ended up selling the book. I'm talking the book was sold before they could send me any feedback. So go figure.
So now that you know what rejection is like, welcome to the world of publishing. Shake it off and get back into the game, girlfriend. ;-)
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