Saturday, August 18, 2012


Life with the Michaels! LOL My oldest Baby is starting college this week! Wow, how time flies... And my youngest is changing schools with the new move. Needless to say, I'm one busy woman. My parents are coming this week to get a peek at the new house. So, I don't think things will be settling down anytime soon.

I've found a little time here and there to at least start thinking about the direction of my writing and in particular my WIP. But, something always seems to come up.

Yesterday I called the water company to make sure they had changed and were now under my name. They were not. So, I had to drive downtown and take care of that. Drove my daughter to her first day of class and picked her up.

Speaking of downtown, they are doing an excellent job of revitalizing it. The new city hall houses the water company. It's a 3 story all white dome like building with golden angelic statues doting the outside landscape. I'll try to get a pic up soon. The cute little be speckled older woman at the reception desk was nice enough to give me a handout of the progress so far and a picture of what the final project will look like. Looks lovely! I could see Raven or another character making a short stop here.

Anyway, I have to get ready for work.


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