Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bitten by Books » Stripped by Marcia Colette

Bitten by Books » Stripped by Marcia Colette

Check out Bitten by Books awesome review for my girl Marcia. I told you she was blowing up.



Marcia Colette said...

Girlfriend, you know I love ya to pieces. :-) THANK YOU bunches upon bunches for letting me know. I never would've had a clue because I've been spaced "RT" out this past week. *hugs*

Melissa said...

Aw, you know you're welcome:) Anything I can do to help promote you and you're fabulous writing, not a problem. Always happy to give you a heads up, when I can. I thought you might have missed the review because you were hanging out at RT. (Pictures please:)

Looking forward to more fab writing and reviews:)

P.S. Think Jefferson's theme song - "MOVING ON UP TO THE BIG LEAUGES"