My last post referred to several fears authors must face down while continuing to write. The key words being continuing to write. With that in mind, I've embarked on a three day writing marathon. Last night, I was up past 2am putting words to paper. I took my own advise. The result hasn't produced an extraordinary amount of words on paper but, the words that did make it, I'm pleased with.
I blame part of the slow writing pace on having to stop to look at videos of fight scenes, analyzing them using them to pen a more realistic butt kicking for my MC. And my job as an author is to put my character through her paces. Pretty much, make her life a living hell Sorry Raven but, a author has to do what an author has to do.
The beginning of the story begins better and reads well. I made chapter one bleed but, I dare say I'm proud of what I've written over the last few days. Today will be day three of the marathon. I needed to kick my writing into high gear due to a self imposed deadline of completing my MS and having it ready for submission early 2011. Then, it's back to editing and rewriting another MS that is in draft stage one.
I'm taking a bit of advise from one of my favorite authors and writing like it's a job. As a matter of fact, I turned down a part-time job opportunity so I could treat my writing as a job.
I've read several authors that say, that writing a novel does not get any easier. Please Laurell Kim and Kelly (Laurell K. Hamilton, Kim Harrison and Kelly Gay - my top three favorite authors) please say it isn't so! Lie to me. Tell me that some part of this writing novel after novel starts to become second nature with lots of practice and hard work.
So, what do you think? Does the process of writing a novel get any easier with hard work and practice or will I always have points of banging head against desk?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
As a writer and fairly new author, I find myself in a place that I think most authors at some point find themselves. Wondering if they truly are suited and capable of being a writer. You know, do I have the write stuff. (LOL)
You're not really a writer/author just pretending to be one.
Tracy O Hara blogged about, the fear of being found out after she wrote her first novel and sold it to Harper Collins. I think she called it the fake author syndrome. She said that a lot of authors fear that the first story or novel was a fluke and that they will be found out that they are not really writers. I remember when I wrote my first story. It flowed out of me completely formed like water rushing down a raging river. I read it after finishing and said, "this is pretty good!" Immediately after, the doubts kicked it. I wonder if I'll ever be able to write a story like this again? Man, this is good. Did I really write this? My BFF is constantly telling me, Melissa you are a published author. How many people can say that? She's so good for my confidence.
Then came the comments.
"Honey, this is good. Did you you write this yourself? It's kind of dark though." It's suppose to be dark. It's dark Urban Fantasy. (Grumbling to self)
"I love it! Your openings always draw me in and make me want to read more. You've have a bit of cussing in here though. Maybe a bit too much. But, right here, I think she should cuss." (She's a killer, she doesn't make nice.)
Maybe my stuff isn't good enough.
I wondered the same thing when I turned in my first story. Raven's Transformation would have never been published if I had not been pushed. Even if your stuff isn't good enough right now, that's what revisions and rewrites are for. That's why it's so important to have people you can trust to give you honest opinions on your work. When my first story was published, I had a beta reader and friends critiquing my writing. I took some of their suggestions and revised to tighten and improve my story. And, surprise surprise, a small press publisher thought it was good enough to put in their anthology.
I'll never get an agent. The competition is tight.
Well, my friend Marcia Colette and my crit partner Talitha have both landed agents that now represent their work. Marcia recently sold her first YA novel which comes out in October. It's called THE SPIDER INSIDE HER. I don't believe that luck has the final say on whether you become a successful author or not. I'm a firm believer that hard work and not giving up and persistence has more to do with being an author than anything else. J K Rowling said her Harry Potter series was turned down at least eight times by publishers. Bet those publishers are wishing they had taken her manuscript now. Harry Potter has turned into a world wide phenomenon and made J K Rowling the first author billionaire.
These are some of the fears that authors and writers have to face. The only way to confront them is head on. You must write. Not only must you write but, you have to be brave and let others read your work and revise, reword and rewrite. The final step for any writer who wants to have their work published is to send it out into the world. You must submit your manuscript, short story or whatever it is that you write to agents, editors and publishers.
The publishing market like any other business is going through some tough economic times like any other business is right now as evidenced by decreased sales, major changes at the big publishing houses and shifting of major players. One thing that won't change is there are still and always will be opportunities for well written stories.
So, I continue to write not hoping but, waiting for my opportunity to sell my first book or land an agent.
You're not really a writer/author just pretending to be one.
Tracy O Hara blogged about, the fear of being found out after she wrote her first novel and sold it to Harper Collins. I think she called it the fake author syndrome. She said that a lot of authors fear that the first story or novel was a fluke and that they will be found out that they are not really writers. I remember when I wrote my first story. It flowed out of me completely formed like water rushing down a raging river. I read it after finishing and said, "this is pretty good!" Immediately after, the doubts kicked it. I wonder if I'll ever be able to write a story like this again? Man, this is good. Did I really write this? My BFF is constantly telling me, Melissa you are a published author. How many people can say that? She's so good for my confidence.
Then came the comments.
"Honey, this is good. Did you you write this yourself? It's kind of dark though." It's suppose to be dark. It's dark Urban Fantasy. (Grumbling to self)
"I love it! Your openings always draw me in and make me want to read more. You've have a bit of cussing in here though. Maybe a bit too much. But, right here, I think she should cuss." (She's a killer, she doesn't make nice.)
Maybe my stuff isn't good enough.
I wondered the same thing when I turned in my first story. Raven's Transformation would have never been published if I had not been pushed. Even if your stuff isn't good enough right now, that's what revisions and rewrites are for. That's why it's so important to have people you can trust to give you honest opinions on your work. When my first story was published, I had a beta reader and friends critiquing my writing. I took some of their suggestions and revised to tighten and improve my story. And, surprise surprise, a small press publisher thought it was good enough to put in their anthology.
I'll never get an agent. The competition is tight.
Well, my friend Marcia Colette and my crit partner Talitha have both landed agents that now represent their work. Marcia recently sold her first YA novel which comes out in October. It's called THE SPIDER INSIDE HER. I don't believe that luck has the final say on whether you become a successful author or not. I'm a firm believer that hard work and not giving up and persistence has more to do with being an author than anything else. J K Rowling said her Harry Potter series was turned down at least eight times by publishers. Bet those publishers are wishing they had taken her manuscript now. Harry Potter has turned into a world wide phenomenon and made J K Rowling the first author billionaire.
These are some of the fears that authors and writers have to face. The only way to confront them is head on. You must write. Not only must you write but, you have to be brave and let others read your work and revise, reword and rewrite. The final step for any writer who wants to have their work published is to send it out into the world. You must submit your manuscript, short story or whatever it is that you write to agents, editors and publishers.
The publishing market like any other business is going through some tough economic times like any other business is right now as evidenced by decreased sales, major changes at the big publishing houses and shifting of major players. One thing that won't change is there are still and always will be opportunities for well written stories.
So, I continue to write not hoping but, waiting for my opportunity to sell my first book or land an agent.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Finally able to get back to writing. I finished the chapter I was working on and sent it to my crit partner. I also sent her one of her chapters back.
Tonight, I am going to sit down and write out an actual budget. Yep, more of life intruding on the wannabe novelist. But, figuring out a budget will help my writing in the long run. Especially if I want to do this as a living one day. Most writers have to live by one. Income can be far in between and sporadic. So, as a aspiring novelist, I know I've got to sit down a make a budget.
Even, multi-published authors need a budget. It could be a year or more from writing the book to actually seeing it in print. And depending on how well your book does will determine your royalties. That is, if you earn out of your advance.
Yep, being a writing means never really knowing how much your income is going to be. That's why I plan on holding on to the day job for quite a while.
Well, the chicken awaits. How about you? Do you have a budget? A written one that you try to follow. I've polled my friends and none of them do.
Tonight, I am going to sit down and write out an actual budget. Yep, more of life intruding on the wannabe novelist. But, figuring out a budget will help my writing in the long run. Especially if I want to do this as a living one day. Most writers have to live by one. Income can be far in between and sporadic. So, as a aspiring novelist, I know I've got to sit down a make a budget.
Even, multi-published authors need a budget. It could be a year or more from writing the book to actually seeing it in print. And depending on how well your book does will determine your royalties. That is, if you earn out of your advance.
Yep, being a writing means never really knowing how much your income is going to be. That's why I plan on holding on to the day job for quite a while.
Well, the chicken awaits. How about you? Do you have a budget? A written one that you try to follow. I've polled my friends and none of them do.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Curve Balls
Life has been throwing multiple curve balls my way. The result is that I haven't been able to sit butt in chair and write for having to take care of more pressing matters.
Well, finally today I was able to sit butt in chair and write. Yay for me! I also sent my crit partner chapter 4 of her WIP. I have a lot of writing to do today. I've promised my crit partner my next chapter, cooking dinner for the girls and picking one of them up from a field trip today as well as housework. It never ends.
I'm not complaining. I like being busy. If I'm not busy, I get bored pretty quick. It's a good thing I like to keep busy. It helps with late night writing spurts.
I've been compiling a potential agent list. One of the agents on my list absolutely stated she was tired of a particular paranormal creature. That so happens to be the paranormal creature that I am writing about. Guess I'll have to move said agent to the bottom of my submission list.
I've also been compiling a list of potential publishers. One of the publishers I was considering isn't accepting submissions at this time.
Well, let's end this post with some happy news. Not mine but, happy just the same. Kelly Gay just announced via her web/blog site that there will be a book 3 and 4 in the Charlie Madigan series.
Well, finally today I was able to sit butt in chair and write. Yay for me! I also sent my crit partner chapter 4 of her WIP. I have a lot of writing to do today. I've promised my crit partner my next chapter, cooking dinner for the girls and picking one of them up from a field trip today as well as housework. It never ends.
I'm not complaining. I like being busy. If I'm not busy, I get bored pretty quick. It's a good thing I like to keep busy. It helps with late night writing spurts.
I've been compiling a potential agent list. One of the agents on my list absolutely stated she was tired of a particular paranormal creature. That so happens to be the paranormal creature that I am writing about. Guess I'll have to move said agent to the bottom of my submission list.
I've also been compiling a list of potential publishers. One of the publishers I was considering isn't accepting submissions at this time.
Well, let's end this post with some happy news. Not mine but, happy just the same. Kelly Gay just announced via her web/blog site that there will be a book 3 and 4 in the Charlie Madigan series.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Blog/Website changes
Okay, stick with me. I'm attempting to create a common theme with my blogsite, website, twitter and other social networking sites to make it easier to identify Melissa Michaels the author. I'm not an IT specialist so, this might take me a day or two.
I like the new urban fantasy banner. I'm stuck on the couch right now not feeling so well, so I might as well do something productive.
I like the new urban fantasy banner. I'm stuck on the couch right now not feeling so well, so I might as well do something productive.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I finally have a crit partner. I just sent off the first chapter of the story I'm working on. I also sent the story out to my beta reader and one other trusted friend. I haven't heard anything back from any of them yet. I hadn't really expected too. I was suppose to send them the chapter last night but, I fell asleep while finishing up the chapter last night.
Yay for me! I met my first goal/deadline with my new crit partner. While chapter one is getting the once over, I'll start writing chapter two. I've already planned/outlined what I want to happen in chapter two and even a little further out in the story but, this evening and later tonight, I'll be doing edits on CURSED BLOOD. It's time to get those submissions going while I'm working on other projects.
I also have to find time to read DARKEST EDGE OF DAWN by Kelly Gay. I fell asleep reading it the other night. Kelly if you happen to see this post, it had nothing to do with how good your book is. Your writing is awesome. I was just that tired. You are one of my all time favorite authors!
Yay for me! I met my first goal/deadline with my new crit partner. While chapter one is getting the once over, I'll start writing chapter two. I've already planned/outlined what I want to happen in chapter two and even a little further out in the story but, this evening and later tonight, I'll be doing edits on CURSED BLOOD. It's time to get those submissions going while I'm working on other projects.
I also have to find time to read DARKEST EDGE OF DAWN by Kelly Gay. I fell asleep reading it the other night. Kelly if you happen to see this post, it had nothing to do with how good your book is. Your writing is awesome. I was just that tired. You are one of my all time favorite authors!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Since I now got the hang of posting videos, I thought I'd try my hand at making promotional videos for my stories:) Enjoy!
The Dark Whisper Intro
Okay,I have been trying for months trying to figure out how to post a video in my blog posts. So, don't laugh too hard at my first success.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
First day of school for the girls. It's a busy day for them and me. First lots to do on the home front. You know, the real world taking priority over my writing work. I've told my friends and family that I'm ready to take the plunge and start submitting stories. Who me, nervous? (She types with trembling fingers.) Getting ready to submit means a lot of late nights editing, polishing, writing a detail synopsis and perfecting my all important agent snagging query letter. Still have to work the day job. (that's what's paying the bills.) I will admit, I've been procrastinating for fear of rejection. My super awesome friend Marcia has been encouraging, telling me to go for it. (Thank you Marcia.)
This new stage of my writing reminds me of my very first story submission. I was writing the manuscript (that I am now ready to start submitting) when I came up with the character Raven. I wanted to stop writing Cursed Blood and start writing Raven. My BFF 2 said no! Write a few notes and a short story then go back and finish Cursed Blood. BFF 1 had to practically twist my arm to get me to submit my story. I did and "Raven's Transformation" became my very first published work! Thank you BFF 1 and 2. I also have to send a thank you to Marcia for giving me the heads up on a potential publisher that was looking for short stories for their anthology Abaculus III. I really feel blessed. I had only writen and completed 2 short stories and only submitted twice before getting published for the first time.
Before I sign off, I wanted to share some good news. Marcia Colette. (Author and friend extraordinaire) and just sold her first YA Paranormal, The Spider Inside Her! Head on over to Marcia's blog site to read her news first hand.
P.S. Yeah, that's me with my new ultra short haircut:)
This new stage of my writing reminds me of my very first story submission. I was writing the manuscript (that I am now ready to start submitting) when I came up with the character Raven. I wanted to stop writing Cursed Blood and start writing Raven. My BFF 2 said no! Write a few notes and a short story then go back and finish Cursed Blood. BFF 1 had to practically twist my arm to get me to submit my story. I did and "Raven's Transformation" became my very first published work! Thank you BFF 1 and 2. I also have to send a thank you to Marcia for giving me the heads up on a potential publisher that was looking for short stories for their anthology Abaculus III. I really feel blessed. I had only writen and completed 2 short stories and only submitted twice before getting published for the first time.
Before I sign off, I wanted to share some good news. Marcia Colette. (Author and friend extraordinaire) and just sold her first YA Paranormal, The Spider Inside Her! Head on over to Marcia's blog site to read her news first hand.
P.S. Yeah, that's me with my new ultra short haircut:)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
One of my favorite authors L A Banks, has gone graphic with her VHL (Vampire Huntress Legends) series. Can't wait to to get my hands on this one. Yes, I do comics and I've been waiting on this one for a while. The comic takes place after the The Thirteenth which is the 12th and last book in the VHL series. The graphic will introduce the children of the main characters from the series. I'm not going to get into the series, it's awesome but, deep. You have to read it for yourself. A couple of days ago Laurell K Hamilton mentioned L A on her blog and commented that she is the only one that she has read that has successfully combined urban fantasy and hip hop culture giving her series a majorly different twist.
Speaking of Laurell k, I collect the Anita Blake graphic novels. (Hardcover) I follow Laurell k Hamilton's blog and I thought for a minute last year we were going to see an Anita Blake movie but, something didn't sit right with Laurell and she backed out of the deal. She has been writing Anita for so many years, I guess it's hard to let go of your creation. And when you do, you want it done right!
Hopefully next year the third of my big three favorite authors will be going graphic. Kim Harrison's hollows series is in the works!
Speaking of Laurell k, I collect the Anita Blake graphic novels. (Hardcover) I follow Laurell k Hamilton's blog and I thought for a minute last year we were going to see an Anita Blake movie but, something didn't sit right with Laurell and she backed out of the deal. She has been writing Anita for so many years, I guess it's hard to let go of your creation. And when you do, you want it done right!
Hopefully next year the third of my big three favorite authors will be going graphic. Kim Harrison's hollows series is in the works!
Even my X-Men have gone Vamp!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I'm gearing up for the release of one of my favorite author's books. The Darkest Edge of Dawn by Kelly Gay is set for release on Aug. 31st. It's the second book in the Charlie Madigan story. Here's a synopsis from Kelly's website on book 1.
The Better Part of DarknessBook 1 in the Charlie Madigan Series
Charlie Madigan is a divorced mother of one, and a kick-ass cop trained to take down the toughest human and off-world criminals. She's recently returned from the dead after a brutal attack, an unexplained revival that has left her plagued by nightmares and random outbursts of strength that make doing her job for Atlanta P.D.'s Integration Task Force even harder. Since the Revelation, the criminal element in Underground Atlanta has grown, leaving Charlie and her partner Hank to keep the chaos to a dull roar. But now an insidious new danger...
Here is a bit from book 2 from Kelly's website.
Coming Soon
The Darkest Edge of DawnBook 2 in the Charlie Madigan Series
Deep beneath Underground a cunning bid for power and revenge has begun, one that threatens to make Atlanta the new battleground in the ultimate confrontation between heaven and hell. The powers of hellish Charbydon have the upper hand after plunging the city into primordial night...
I've already started buying and giving Kelly Gay's books as presents to my friends. They can expect more of the same with book 2. I like to get them hooked. That means...more books for me by my favorite authors:)
The Better Part of DarknessBook 1 in the Charlie Madigan Series
Charlie Madigan is a divorced mother of one, and a kick-ass cop trained to take down the toughest human and off-world criminals. She's recently returned from the dead after a brutal attack, an unexplained revival that has left her plagued by nightmares and random outbursts of strength that make doing her job for Atlanta P.D.'s Integration Task Force even harder. Since the Revelation, the criminal element in Underground Atlanta has grown, leaving Charlie and her partner Hank to keep the chaos to a dull roar. But now an insidious new danger...
Here is a bit from book 2 from Kelly's website.
Coming Soon
The Darkest Edge of DawnBook 2 in the Charlie Madigan Series
Deep beneath Underground a cunning bid for power and revenge has begun, one that threatens to make Atlanta the new battleground in the ultimate confrontation between heaven and hell. The powers of hellish Charbydon have the upper hand after plunging the city into primordial night...
I've already started buying and giving Kelly Gay's books as presents to my friends. They can expect more of the same with book 2. I like to get them hooked. That means...more books for me by my favorite authors:)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Very rarely do I come across a book that I feel connected to but, when I read the book "Wonder When You'll Miss Me" I felt like I was in the main character's shoes. It is so gracefully written that it went from the gang rape and attepted suicide of a 15 yearold girl to an upbeat trapeze artist. The writing was sort of like a trapeze act itself.It's both joy and agony that those words are so good, so dead-on target as Davis describes the pain of lonely adolescent life. If there's any comfort to be had in news of the author's cut-short life, it's that Wonder When You'll Miss Me is the kind of novel that will endure. Even though it's marketed as adult fiction, this is really the kind of story to be read by teens -- males and females alike -- going through that horrible, bumpy transition into adulthood.
Faith Duckle, the overweight girl who's assaulted under the bleachers during her school's Homecoming game, is a kind of Everyteen -- we've all had bits of Faith's loneliness and optimism-against-all-odds at one point in our lives. Davis hones in on Faith's troubled psyche so quickly and accurately that we immediately embrace the girl as an intimate friend. Faith is the kind of character who steps off the page in the first paragraph.
After the attack by the group of boys, described in stark but subtle terms (I stared at buckles and pockets. He pinched my nose so my mouth fell open. Then the terrible sound of zippers…), Faith tries to commit suicide, ends up in a mental hospital, and sheds 48 pounds before her release. She returns to school as a renewed Faith, but she is dogged by the presence of her former self, which manifests itself as Fat Girl.
While constantly stuffing her face with junk food, Fat Girl is a menacing, nagging ghost who dispenses advice like: "There are all kinds of anger. Some kinds are just more useful than others." She dogs Faith's shadow, insisting that the teen might be able to shed pounds, but she'll never lose the person she was. There were days when she was a comfort and days when she was a nightmare, Faith says. Eventually, she becomes more of a nightmare after she convinces Faith to revenge the rape.
The "character" of Fat Girl is a marvelous stroke on Davis' part because, honestly, we can never fully leave our selves back in teenhood. We may move on, but something always clings. Wonder When You'll Miss Me is all about the process of un-clinging the bad debris while coming to terms with the bits that can't be shaken loose.
In Faith's case, this means running away to join the circus (something Davis herself did for several months). She renames herself Annabelle and is taken on by the Fartlesworth Circus as it tours the Eastern seaboard. She begins by picking up trash around the midway, then works her way up to assisting with costumes, grooming the elephants and, eventually, practicing with the trapeze artists. Along the way, we watch as she grows from frightened, easily-manipulated girl to a self-confident, brave fighter willing to somersault through life without a net.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
What am I excited about? I finally get to work on Raven's story. I started writing it in earnest about a week and a half ago. I don't know what it is about Raven that gets me excited but she does. I've been wanting to start her story for way over a year now but, I couldn't. I had to finish up some other projects first. I believe part of my training as a writer is to finish what I start.
Well, Raven has already kicked someone ass in the first few pages. It doesn't surprise me, she has been pacing in the back of my mind waiting to be let loose. She's been waiting every since I introduced her in "Raven's Transformation."
I'm going to take my time crafting Raven's story. I want to do her justice. She's been very understanding waiting for me to get to her and her story.
I do so love vampires. What about you? Are you still liking the vampire trend?
Well, Raven has already kicked someone ass in the first few pages. It doesn't surprise me, she has been pacing in the back of my mind waiting to be let loose. She's been waiting every since I introduced her in "Raven's Transformation."
I'm going to take my time crafting Raven's story. I want to do her justice. She's been very understanding waiting for me to get to her and her story.
I do so love vampires. What about you? Are you still liking the vampire trend?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bitten By Books Interview with Paranormal Author - Marcia Colette
I'm getting ready for work but, wanted to post a quick note: Don't miss my friend's interview at Bitten By Books. The event starts at 1200 today and runs through the evening. I'll be there! (After work of course.) She's be talking about her latest release "Stripped." You need to RSVP and show up the day of the release for a chance to win a prize. I'll be there!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Started working on the opening lines for the follow-up of "Raven's Transformation." Editing was starting to fry my brain. I like the opening but, it may change. For right now it feels good just getting the first few lines on paper (computer).
I was talking to my Mother on the phone the other day and she was shocked at the amount of work, real work that goes into producing a salable story. It's amazing to me how many people don't really see writing as work.
People who know I write, think you sit down pump a story in a week or two and send it in to be published. They see three steps.
Step 1 - write story
Step 2 - send story in
Step 3 - publish story
It's more like:
Step 1 - write first draft
Step 2 - write 2nd draft
Step 3 - write 3rd draft
Step 4 - self edit
Step 5 - Beta reader/crit group/partner
Step 6 - edit again
Step 7 - polish check for grammar
Step 8 - query agents
Step 9 - receive rejections
Step 10 - Edit using agents suggestions
Step 11 - send out manuscript again
Step 12 - wait
Step 13 Start all over again
Oh and the whole time the submission process is going on, you need to be working on your next best seller.
I was talking to my Mother on the phone the other day and she was shocked at the amount of work, real work that goes into producing a salable story. It's amazing to me how many people don't really see writing as work.
People who know I write, think you sit down pump a story in a week or two and send it in to be published. They see three steps.
Step 1 - write story
Step 2 - send story in
Step 3 - publish story
It's more like:
Step 1 - write first draft
Step 2 - write 2nd draft
Step 3 - write 3rd draft
Step 4 - self edit
Step 5 - Beta reader/crit group/partner
Step 6 - edit again
Step 7 - polish check for grammar
Step 8 - query agents
Step 9 - receive rejections
Step 10 - Edit using agents suggestions
Step 11 - send out manuscript again
Step 12 - wait
Step 13 Start all over again
Oh and the whole time the submission process is going on, you need to be working on your next best seller.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Not much going on here. Celebrated the 4th of July with the the kids. Helping my new adopted kitten King Leonidas get settled into his new surroundings. Finally got back on the internet after my daughter decided to re-wire my network while I was working a 12 hour shift. Hanging out with friends but, I've got 3 days off and it's time to get down to business. So, I'll leave you with a couple of recent pictures and take my leave.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Well, I've gotten a couple of critque's on my WIP. Most of it was stuff I know I needed to fix. I desepartely needed the input from other writers and not just beta readers. So, why am I so down? I knew some of my sentences were chunky and not smooth and it needed a lot of work before it was ready for submission.
Today, after doing the Mommy thing and taking the girls out for a bit of fun, I will be concentrating on edits and rewrites.
Today, after doing the Mommy thing and taking the girls out for a bit of fun, I will be concentrating on edits and rewrites.
Monday, June 21, 2010
No major news today. No news at all actually. I've just been reading, studying and trying to apply new things in my writing. I did join a pretty cool writing/crit group. If you remember, a while back I was looking for a crit partner/group. I do have 2 beta readers but, I'd really like a local crit group or partner. Someone I could met and discuss things over coffee.
What I'm reading: Re-reading Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. (Love her writing)
What I'm reading: Re-reading Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. (Love her writing)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
All Things Urban Fantasy: PSF Guest Blog & Giveaway: Marcia Colette “ Stripped”
My friend Marcia Colette is guest blogging at All Things Urban Fantasy today. Click on the link below and head on over there for a chance to win a copy of her new release "Stripped."
All Things Urban Fantasy: PSF Guest Blog & Giveaway: Marcia Colette “ Stripped”
All Things Urban Fantasy: PSF Guest Blog & Giveaway: Marcia Colette “ Stripped”
Monday, June 7, 2010
Query Letters
I am taking a break on editing and working on my query letter for Cursed Blood. I've written and re-written my query. Writing a brief information packed single page query that represents the heart and soul of your book...isn't easy. I want to convey the plot but, not give everything away.
A potential agent to represent my work is first of all, a reader. They want to be drawn into your characters, plot and the world you've created. I want my agent (when I get one) to be a fan of my writing. Ideally, she or he will be just as excited to read my work as I am when I'm creating it.
I like most writers have my list of dream agents. One day, I might just land one of them. (fingers crossed) I've already been advised by a couple of writer friends that landing an agent is no easy task. The publishing industry has become more selective.
That's why, I'm taking my time with my query. I'm just estatic that I'm at the point of actually needing to craft a query for my MS:)
I almost forgot! My friend Marcia Colette's book "Stripped" is now available in paperback! I've already ordered my copy:) I'll have to take Marcia out to lunch and get her to sign it when it comes in.
A potential agent to represent my work is first of all, a reader. They want to be drawn into your characters, plot and the world you've created. I want my agent (when I get one) to be a fan of my writing. Ideally, she or he will be just as excited to read my work as I am when I'm creating it.
I like most writers have my list of dream agents. One day, I might just land one of them. (fingers crossed) I've already been advised by a couple of writer friends that landing an agent is no easy task. The publishing industry has become more selective.
That's why, I'm taking my time with my query. I'm just estatic that I'm at the point of actually needing to craft a query for my MS:)
I almost forgot! My friend Marcia Colette's book "Stripped" is now available in paperback! I've already ordered my copy:) I'll have to take Marcia out to lunch and get her to sign it when it comes in.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Write On!
Yesterday was a very productive writing day. I'm deep into re-writes on my WIP. I feel good about it. It's not a finished product yet but, it's well on it's way. I've been inspired lately by my friend Marcia Colette. Her book STRIPPED is doing well and getting some awesome reviews.
I had to change the begining of chapter one a bit but, I like it better. More tension, quicker introduction of antagonist and deeper character development and the flow is smoother. As Terry Spear would call it, 3-D character development is in full swing!
Heading to BAM today to purchase a book on self editing after a couple of hours of rewrites. I want as polished a product as possible before I start the querying process. My beta reader is dying to get her hands on it also. I have someone in mind to critique the first ten pages or so.
Chapter three re-written/tweaked and printed. Feeling like a real writer today:)
I had to change the begining of chapter one a bit but, I like it better. More tension, quicker introduction of antagonist and deeper character development and the flow is smoother. As Terry Spear would call it, 3-D character development is in full swing!
Heading to BAM today to purchase a book on self editing after a couple of hours of rewrites. I want as polished a product as possible before I start the querying process. My beta reader is dying to get her hands on it also. I have someone in mind to critique the first ten pages or so.
Chapter three re-written/tweaked and printed. Feeling like a real writer today:)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bitten by Books » Stripped by Marcia Colette
Bitten by Books » Stripped by Marcia Colette
Check out Bitten by Books awesome review for my girl Marcia. I told you she was blowing up.
Check out Bitten by Books awesome review for my girl Marcia. I told you she was blowing up.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I am trying to figure out how to link the two blogs so that I only have to post once. Stick with me people. I posted this blog at my website. Yeah, I said website. I figured it was time:)
I am trying to figure out how to link the two blogs so that I only have to post once. Stick with me people. I posted this blog at my website. Yeah, I said website. I figured it was time:)
Monday, April 26, 2010
STRIPPED receives 4 Stars from RT « ~ Marcia Colette ~
STRIPPED receives 4 Stars from RT « ~ Marcia Colette ~
A quick shout out for my awesome writer friend Marcia! Her star is rising. You had better jump on board so you can say you knew her when. She's attending the RT convention this week. Click on the link above to read what Romantic Times has to say about Marcia and her lastest release STRIPPED. Girlfriend is burning it up!
A quick shout out for my awesome writer friend Marcia! Her star is rising. You had better jump on board so you can say you knew her when. She's attending the RT convention this week. Click on the link above to read what Romantic Times has to say about Marcia and her lastest release STRIPPED. Girlfriend is burning it up!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Just wanted to let all my friends and anyone else who cares know, that I have started back writing. I'm still planning on attending Concarolina's this summer and with the help of good friends and family, I'm still on my journey in the publishing industry.
I'm planning on taking my road dogs with me to Concarolina's. (My girls and my BFF) I am looking forward to the trip and hooking up with another friend at the Cons. I'm waiting for the Cons to post the writing activitives.
I have three writing projects in the works right now. I'm taking Kim Harrison's advice and Jenna Black's advice seriously.
1) Write everyday
2) Treat your writing like a business.
I'm planning on taking my road dogs with me to Concarolina's. (My girls and my BFF) I am looking forward to the trip and hooking up with another friend at the Cons. I'm waiting for the Cons to post the writing activitives.
I have three writing projects in the works right now. I'm taking Kim Harrison's advice and Jenna Black's advice seriously.
1) Write everyday
2) Treat your writing like a business.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Life has thrown me a curve ball. Didn't see it coming. Wasn't prepared for it. All I can do is pick myself up, dust myself off and and go on with my life. Yeah, it's that big. I've shared with my closest and they are offering their support.
I am greatful to my dear friends and family that are standing by me. I am greatful for health and the breath of life. I am thankful for so many things. So, to all my friends and family I say thank you so much for your support.
I am greatful to my dear friends and family that are standing by me. I am greatful for health and the breath of life. I am thankful for so many things. So, to all my friends and family I say thank you so much for your support.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Well, I've gotten June 4th, 5th and 6th approved off at my day job. That means I'm planning on attending my 2nd writing convention. The last convention I attended was Raven Con in Richmond Virginia. This year I'm planning on going to ConCarolinas in Charlotte NC. I'm super excited about going. I learned a lot at my last convention.
One of the things that I am most excited about with attending this writing convention is, I'm a published author this time around. I feel like, not only do I belong but, I'm making progress toward my goals. Not that I expect anyone there to know but, I will.
What's really cool is, one of the panelist Terry W. Ervin III is featured in Abaculus III. My short story, "Raven's Transformation" is in Abaculus III. So, I'll definitely try to attend his panel, as well as my friend Marcia's panels.
I've already talked my BFF into riding shotgun with me. I'm thrilled that she's coming but, nervous too. You see, my BFF is a Minister. I've tried to prepare her in for what she might see at the convention. Hopefully, she won't embarrass me too much.
I know what you're thinking, my best friend is a minister and I write Urban Fantasy; how in the world does that work? I don't know. But, we've been friends forever. About a year ago I talked her into reading one paragraph from a short story I was working on. She ended up reading the entire story. She said, " I don't read Urban Fantasy but, your story just drew me in." She's been reading my stories every since. Though she has mentioned that I should try my hand at Christain fiction.
I'm looking forward to seeing my friend Marcia Colette again. Met her in person for the first time at Raven Con. I hope she brings baby girl.
One of the things that I am most excited about with attending this writing convention is, I'm a published author this time around. I feel like, not only do I belong but, I'm making progress toward my goals. Not that I expect anyone there to know but, I will.
What's really cool is, one of the panelist Terry W. Ervin III is featured in Abaculus III. My short story, "Raven's Transformation" is in Abaculus III. So, I'll definitely try to attend his panel, as well as my friend Marcia's panels.
I've already talked my BFF into riding shotgun with me. I'm thrilled that she's coming but, nervous too. You see, my BFF is a Minister. I've tried to prepare her in for what she might see at the convention. Hopefully, she won't embarrass me too much.
I know what you're thinking, my best friend is a minister and I write Urban Fantasy; how in the world does that work? I don't know. But, we've been friends forever. About a year ago I talked her into reading one paragraph from a short story I was working on. She ended up reading the entire story. She said, " I don't read Urban Fantasy but, your story just drew me in." She's been reading my stories every since. Though she has mentioned that I should try my hand at Christain fiction.
I'm looking forward to seeing my friend Marcia Colette again. Met her in person for the first time at Raven Con. I hope she brings baby girl.
Well, after attending my first conference, I had a short story published. Here's hoping this one brings good news too!
"It's none of their business that you had to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way."
Ernest Hemingway
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The rewrites have begun!!! I'm working on my 2nd Draft of my novel length MS. I read a quote from Ernest Hemingway that said the first draft of anything is crap. It cracked me up but, yet how true.
The first draft is just the bare bones of the story put to paper. The 2nd helps to really form the story on the paper and in your own mind and the 3rd, 4th or 5th hopefully fully brings your baby to life. I think Rachel Vincent said she rewrote her book like, six times before she thought it was ready. Yeah, I'm not planning on turning my story over until I've rewritten ,edited and polished it to within an inch of it's life. I'm trying to get published...again. We wouldn't want to turn in anything but our best as my former teacher Terry Spear would say.
I am planning on starting the actual putting down the bare bones of "Raven's" story when I finish the 2nd rewriting of this one. I've already started with the basics of what I want to happen. Who is Raven? (Which I already have an idea because of my short story.) And I already know how the story is going to start. But, I'm not saying.
Surprisingly, "Tara" the main character of the story I'm working on now, is becoming more clear to me on this 2nd go round. I thought I knew her inside out but, she is surprising me with some of her feelings about another character.
I rewrote my practice query letter today. (With a few suggestions:) I'm kicking myself for leaving out some important stuff in the first one. Stuff that makes my story a bit unique. I think it's pretty good now but, I'm not above rewrites.
The first draft is just the bare bones of the story put to paper. The 2nd helps to really form the story on the paper and in your own mind and the 3rd, 4th or 5th hopefully fully brings your baby to life. I think Rachel Vincent said she rewrote her book like, six times before she thought it was ready. Yeah, I'm not planning on turning my story over until I've rewritten ,edited and polished it to within an inch of it's life. I'm trying to get published...again. We wouldn't want to turn in anything but our best as my former teacher Terry Spear would say.
I am planning on starting the actual putting down the bare bones of "Raven's" story when I finish the 2nd rewriting of this one. I've already started with the basics of what I want to happen. Who is Raven? (Which I already have an idea because of my short story.) And I already know how the story is going to start. But, I'm not saying.
Surprisingly, "Tara" the main character of the story I'm working on now, is becoming more clear to me on this 2nd go round. I thought I knew her inside out but, she is surprising me with some of her feelings about another character.
I rewrote my practice query letter today. (With a few suggestions:) I'm kicking myself for leaving out some important stuff in the first one. Stuff that makes my story a bit unique. I think it's pretty good now but, I'm not above rewrites.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Book Lover's Dream
I told you in my last post that I found "Black Magic Sanction" by Kim Harrison at my local Wal-mart for eighteen dollars. I also wanted to share more of my bookwormness.
Kelly Gay (one of my new favorite authors!!!) Sent me a signed copy of "The Better Part of Darkness." If you love Urban Fantasy with a kick ass Herione, this book is for you. It was soooooooooooo good. I'll blog about it later in the week.
In the picture I have a few other books from Kelly and some bookmarks. "Flirt" by Laurell K Hamilton was purchased by me. Looks like I won't be heading to the book store anytime soon. With my own story in the works as well as a huge TBR pile, I'm set!
To my readers out there, what good books have you read lately. I'm reading "Black Magic Sanction" right now. Last book read before that "The Better Part of Darkness."
Kelly Gay (one of my new favorite authors!!!) Sent me a signed copy of "The Better Part of Darkness." If you love Urban Fantasy with a kick ass Herione, this book is for you. It was soooooooooooo good. I'll blog about it later in the week.
In the picture I have a few other books from Kelly and some bookmarks. "Flirt" by Laurell K Hamilton was purchased by me. Looks like I won't be heading to the book store anytime soon. With my own story in the works as well as a huge TBR pile, I'm set!
To my readers out there, what good books have you read lately. I'm reading "Black Magic Sanction" right now. Last book read before that "The Better Part of Darkness."
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I should be working on re-writing my own book right now but, I just can't! Too excited to concentrate on writing. Why you ask? Because I just picked up Kim Harrison's "Black Magic Sanction." Whoooo Hooo!
I've already read the first seven chapters online thanks to Kim's publisher. I really didn't expect to pick it up today on its release. The local bookstore charges around twenty-six dollars for the in store books but like fifteen dollars on line. I was planning on ordering and having it delivered to my house for like eighteen.
Well, Wal-mart who gets most books two weeks after the release date, drum roll please...had Kim's books out on display early this morning! I could not believe it. They never get the books I want at the same time as the book stores do. And they were priced at eighteen dollars too! Needless to say, I snatched it up and put it in my little cart as fast as I could.
Sorry, didn't mean to go all saving a dollar and budget wise on you. Main thing is, I've got it! Now leave me alone. I've got some reading I mean ahhh, research to do.
I've already read the first seven chapters online thanks to Kim's publisher. I really didn't expect to pick it up today on its release. The local bookstore charges around twenty-six dollars for the in store books but like fifteen dollars on line. I was planning on ordering and having it delivered to my house for like eighteen.
Well, Wal-mart who gets most books two weeks after the release date, drum roll please...had Kim's books out on display early this morning! I could not believe it. They never get the books I want at the same time as the book stores do. And they were priced at eighteen dollars too! Needless to say, I snatched it up and put it in my little cart as fast as I could.
Sorry, didn't mean to go all saving a dollar and budget wise on you. Main thing is, I've got it! Now leave me alone. I've got some reading I mean ahhh, research to do.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
What's been happening? Well, I finished the first draft of my MS. On the advise of more experienced authors, I've put it aside for a week or so. I start my rewrite tomorrow. I've started plotting Raven's story. I'm really excited about this one. I'm using a different approach to this WIP. I'm trying to do most of the planning and research ahead of time.
I was able to participate in a live chat at Bitten by Books with Kim Harrison. That was awesome. I'm not just a writer, I'm a fan girl too. I love reading! Kim's publisher put up not three chapters of "White Witch Black Sanction" but, the first seven and I read every bit of it. Her new book comes out Tues Feb. 23rd on my day off. Yay! I picked up Laurell K Hamilton's new book "Flirt" and I'm reading that now. (Not that I don't have several books in the TBR pile.)
I finally sent off my short story to my Mother. (I know, shame on me. Bad daughter:( ) Anyway, she finally got to read "Raven's Transformation" and...she loved it. How cool is that?! She told me, which I already knew, that she doesn't read Urban Fastasy but, she really enjoyed Raven and will be looking forward to the novel. Guess I better get busy.
Last but not least, I won a signed copy of "The Better Part of Darkness" by Kelly Gay. After reading BPOD, Kelly is definitely on my automatic buy list. I absoultely loved her debut novel. She mixes a touch of scifi with Urban Fanstasy. Loved it! Thanks Kelly! I'll be passing on my unsigned copy to a friend.
You can view the next cover in Kelly's Darkness series here I would put it up but, she said that this isn't the final version. Besides, I don't want to steal her big reveal:) Kelly has really been blessed by the book cover Gods. I remember seeing the cover online and thinking just from the cover, that looks like a buy! So glad I did. I love finding awesome new authors.
I was able to participate in a live chat at Bitten by Books with Kim Harrison. That was awesome. I'm not just a writer, I'm a fan girl too. I love reading! Kim's publisher put up not three chapters of "White Witch Black Sanction" but, the first seven and I read every bit of it. Her new book comes out Tues Feb. 23rd on my day off. Yay! I picked up Laurell K Hamilton's new book "Flirt" and I'm reading that now. (Not that I don't have several books in the TBR pile.)
I finally sent off my short story to my Mother. (I know, shame on me. Bad daughter:( ) Anyway, she finally got to read "Raven's Transformation" and...she loved it. How cool is that?! She told me, which I already knew, that she doesn't read Urban Fastasy but, she really enjoyed Raven and will be looking forward to the novel. Guess I better get busy.
Last but not least, I won a signed copy of "The Better Part of Darkness" by Kelly Gay. After reading BPOD, Kelly is definitely on my automatic buy list. I absoultely loved her debut novel. She mixes a touch of scifi with Urban Fanstasy. Loved it! Thanks Kelly! I'll be passing on my unsigned copy to a friend.
You can view the next cover in Kelly's Darkness series here I would put it up but, she said that this isn't the final version. Besides, I don't want to steal her big reveal:) Kelly has really been blessed by the book cover Gods. I remember seeing the cover online and thinking just from the cover, that looks like a buy! So glad I did. I love finding awesome new authors.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bitten by Books » Guest Blog, Chat and Contest with Author Kim Harrison#comment-131858
Chatting with Kim till mid-night! How cool is it, to talk to your fav! Yes, BFF Y.K. you're right, I'm a total nerd. And I love it!
Bitten by Books » Guest Blog, Chat and Contest with Author Kim Harrison#comment-131858
Bitten by Books » Guest Blog, Chat and Contest with Author Kim Harrison#comment-131858
Bitten by Books » RSVP For: 2/16 Guest Blog, Chat and Contest with Author Kim Harrison#more-19248
Just a quickie. Kim Harrison will be chatting on Bitten by books on 2/17/10. She's my fav author!
Bitten by Books » RSVP For: 2/16 Guest Blog, Chat and Contest with Author Kim Harrison#more-19248
Bitten by Books » RSVP For: 2/16 Guest Blog, Chat and Contest with Author Kim Harrison#more-19248
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Working/Writing Hard
Sorry I haven't posted recently. I'm finding, the closer my MS is coming to completion, the slower the writing is going. I'm down to the last two chapters in the story.
I'm also dying to start working on Raven's story. Friends and family who have read "Raven's Transformation" were thinking that the novel length story I've almost completed, was Raven's story. I have family and friends riding my back to get started on telling Raven's story like yesterday.
I guess I did leave my character hanging in a pretty shaky/scary predicament. (HEH,HEH,HEH) That's what I'm suppose to do, right?
I'm just happy that most people who have read my short story not only liked it but, wanted more. That's always encouraging.
I'm also dying to start working on Raven's story. Friends and family who have read "Raven's Transformation" were thinking that the novel length story I've almost completed, was Raven's story. I have family and friends riding my back to get started on telling Raven's story like yesterday.
I guess I did leave my character hanging in a pretty shaky/scary predicament. (HEH,HEH,HEH) That's what I'm suppose to do, right?
I'm just happy that most people who have read my short story not only liked it but, wanted more. That's always encouraging.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Baxter and Marley
Here is a picture of Baxter (the large Lab) and Marley (resue Lab) hanging out in my house. I don't like it but, it's 12 degrees outside. My Baxter had been missing since Dec. 18th. He came home last week. I don't know where he was but, we are thankful to have handsome man back!
Last week, the girls went out to get on the bus and Mr. Baxter ran into the garage and into my kitchen. We all just stood there looking at him. Poor Baxter was shaking with excitement.
I told my BFF that I learned so many lessons from my handsome man. The most important was never give up. We had given up all hope of ever seeing Mr. Baxter. He had been gone for 1 month and 9 days but, Mr. Baxter didn't give up or forget. He stayed focused and made it back home to his family:)
Marley and Baxter get along great. Now we have handsome man and cute puppy. The girls are so excited:)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Abaculus III is published by Leucrota Press. Leucrota just purchased Arkham Tales. Arkham is a quarterly magazine "devoted to weird fiction: supernatural supense and adventure stories." Looks like another chance for more new writers to get published to me!
Leucrota also recent sold the movie rights to one of their current authors novels. Leucrota is a small independant publisher but, from the looks of it, with all their recent activity, they may be growing a little larger in the future.
I'm still waking up at 4:30am and writing. I get up at the same time each morning, even on my days off from my day job. My friends think that's a little crazy. Maybe it is but, a writer got to do what a writer got to do.
Last week the new puppy slowed me down a bit but, I'm back up and writing in the wee hours of the morning again. Now that I'm a published author...I'm working hard at becoming a published novelist. My BFF who encouraged me to write Raven, says that not many people can say that they have been published at all so, I should continue to feel really good about that. And I do feel good about it. I'm just keeping my eye on the ultimate goal of having an entire book published. (Hopefully not just one. Fingers crossed.)
It looks like puppy is starting to settle into a routine of sleeping at my feet while I write, as long as I take him for a long walk during the day. He's lying behind me sleeping right now as I update the blog. Puppy's first couple of days here, he had to sit with his head in your lap or have you touch him in some way. Now after almost a week in his new home, he's starting to realize that we aren't taking him back to the shelter:)
It was really hard for me his first couple of days here because I couldn't write and help him get oriented to his new surroundings. He's lost interest in my laptop pretty quickly. Just walking by and looking at it from time to time as I type. I'm planning on getting another four pages or so before calling it a night so, I'd better get moving.
Friday, January 15, 2010
No it's not a baby. It's a four month old puppy that we resued from the pound. His name is Marley. Having a puppy a round had temporaily put a damper on my writing but, this morning...Marley is sitting at my feet playing with his new toy as I write. Along with a new puppy, I've been working quite a bit at my day job. I'm hoping to get back on track this week.
I've never gotten a puppy from the pound before. I usually buy my dogs from a breeder. A couple of nurses that I work with had gotten puppies from the pound so, I thought I'd go by and check them out. I was surprised at how many pure breeds there were.
It seems, a lot of people are turning in their dogs due to the economic pinch. I coudn't take but one puppy home but, I promised myself to go back in the spring a get another. I can't save them all but, I can save/afford two puppies.
Marley is four months old and would have been put to sleep soon if my daughter and I hadn't picked him. We took him into the playroom at the shelter and he has the best temperment. I'll try to put up some pictures later this week.
There were some adorable lab/shepard puppies I would have loved to take home but, since I couldn't, I'm trying to convince one of my friends that she should.
I've never gotten a puppy from the pound before. I usually buy my dogs from a breeder. A couple of nurses that I work with had gotten puppies from the pound so, I thought I'd go by and check them out. I was surprised at how many pure breeds there were.
It seems, a lot of people are turning in their dogs due to the economic pinch. I coudn't take but one puppy home but, I promised myself to go back in the spring a get another. I can't save them all but, I can save/afford two puppies.
Marley is four months old and would have been put to sleep soon if my daughter and I hadn't picked him. We took him into the playroom at the shelter and he has the best temperment. I'll try to put up some pictures later this week.
There were some adorable lab/shepard puppies I would have loved to take home but, since I couldn't, I'm trying to convince one of my friends that she should.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Just got back from seeing the Avatar for the second time with my daugther. You see, today is her birthday and that's what she asked see Avatar for the second time.
I really wasn't upsett. First of all, this is the first time I've seen a 3-D movie and second, it was a really great movie. It lasted for around two hours and forty minutes but, it's that good, you won't even mind.
I'm really big on speical effects and visual imagary so, you can imagine how blown away I was. James Cameron took over four years trying to bring this film to the screen.
When he first conceived the movie, computer technology hadn't develped to the point he needed to make the movie so, he had to wait until it did.
There are a lot of critics that are labeling this film as racist. It does have some very strong racial themes. It also shows the greed of man . My older daughter said during the movie that it reminded her of the Pocohotas story.
The Na'vi reminded me of Africans or Native Americans. The movie did show how cruel and heartless people can be to each other but, it also portrayed the Na'vi as kind, thoughtful and intelligent people. It does have an old hollywood theme. I won't say that much because I don't want to spoil it for you. It's also, a beautifully written story that draws from America's shameful history with Native Americans and Africans.
I can't help but, draw lessons from his journey making this film and the film itself. The film cost something like 400 million to make, he didn't have the technology he needed, people were telling him he was crazy and that it wouldn't work, people wouldn't go see a sci-fi movie about ten feet tall blue people etc.
But guess what? They did! Now Avatar is only second in earnings to Titanic, which also just happens to be by who else? James Cameron. Avatar has already earned a billion dollars world wide.
So what did I take away from all this? Write what you want, write what you believe in, write what's in your heart and belive in yourself, even when everyone else is trying to tell you that you shouldn't.
From the film itself, it's a lesson in history. We all know what America did to aquire this land. It's no secret. It's also no secret how this country was built. It's also no secret that we still have a long way to go as evidenced by a recent senators comments regarding our President this week.
But, I tend to lean to the optimistic side. I think this film came out of James Cameron's heart. I for one was touched that he would want to tell this story and work so hard to bring it to life. I believe his intentions were to teach as well as entertain. A really good story is bound to start people talking. I'm pretty sure, that was his intention.
James Cameron went out on a limb. Are you willing too? I am.
From the film itself, it's a lesson in history. We all know what America did to aquire this land. It's no secret. It's also no secret how this country was built. It's also no secret that we still have a long way to go as evidenced by a recent senators comments regarding our President this week.
But, I tend to lean to the optimistic side. I think this film came out of James Cameron's heart. I for one was touched that he would want to tell this story and work so hard to bring it to life. I believe his intentions were to teach as well as entertain. A really good story is bound to start people talking. I'm pretty sure, that was his intention.
James Cameron went out on a limb. Are you willing too? I am.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy 2010 to everyone! I've made a few New Year resolutions. I'll keep them to myself. I've set some personal as well as writing goals for 2010. What about you?
I brought in the new year in my cozy little bed asleep beside my husband, my children were also sleeping when the New Year dawned. At 1201 the gunshots and fireworks woke me out of a deep sleep and I jumped out of the bed leaving my sleeping family. I ran into the kitchen and out on the porch thinking someone was trying to break - in my house...only to find new year revelers yelling and screaming watching the fireworks. So, still in my stupor, I dragged my to fast beating heart back to bed and dropped off to sleep.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year!
P.S. On the first day of the New Year, I brewed my coffee and sat down and started writing at 4:30am. (Sigh) At least I started my year off doing what I love to do:)
I brought in the new year in my cozy little bed asleep beside my husband, my children were also sleeping when the New Year dawned. At 1201 the gunshots and fireworks woke me out of a deep sleep and I jumped out of the bed leaving my sleeping family. I ran into the kitchen and out on the porch thinking someone was trying to break - in my house...only to find new year revelers yelling and screaming watching the fireworks. So, still in my stupor, I dragged my to fast beating heart back to bed and dropped off to sleep.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year!
P.S. On the first day of the New Year, I brewed my coffee and sat down and started writing at 4:30am. (Sigh) At least I started my year off doing what I love to do:)
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