Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Finally able to get back to writing. I finished the chapter I was working on and sent it to my crit partner. I also sent her one of her chapters back.

Tonight, I am going to sit down and write out an actual budget. Yep, more of life intruding on the wannabe novelist. But, figuring out a budget will help my writing in the long run. Especially if I want to do this as a living one day. Most writers have to live by one. Income can be far in between and sporadic. So, as a aspiring novelist, I know I've got to sit down a make a budget.

Even, multi-published authors need a budget. It could be a year or more from writing the book to actually seeing it in print. And depending on how well your book does will determine your royalties. That is, if you earn out of your advance.

Yep, being a writing means never really knowing how much your income is going to be. That's why I plan on holding on to the day job for quite a while.

Well, the chicken awaits. How about you? Do you have a budget? A written one that you try to follow. I've polled my friends and none of them do.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Curve Balls

Life has been throwing multiple curve balls my way. The result is that I haven't been able to sit butt in chair and write for having to take care of more pressing matters.

Well, finally today I was able to sit butt in chair and write. Yay for me! I also sent my crit partner chapter 4 of her WIP. I have a lot of writing to do today. I've promised my crit partner my next chapter, cooking dinner for the girls and picking one of them up from a field trip today as well as housework. It never ends.

I'm not complaining. I like being busy. If I'm not busy, I get bored pretty quick. It's a good thing I like to keep busy. It helps with late night writing spurts.

I've been compiling  a potential agent list. One of the agents on my list absolutely stated she was tired of a particular paranormal creature. That so happens to be the paranormal creature that I am writing about. Guess I'll have to move said agent to  the bottom of my submission list.

I've also been compiling a list of potential publishers. One of the publishers I was considering isn't accepting submissions at this time.

Well, let's end this post with some happy news. Not mine but, happy just the same. Kelly Gay just announced via her web/blog site that there will be a book 3 and 4 in the Charlie Madigan series.
