Wednesday, July 28, 2010


What am I excited about? I finally get to work on Raven's story. I started writing it in earnest about a week and a half ago. I don't know what it is about Raven that gets me excited but she does. I've been wanting to start her story for way over a year now but, I couldn't. I had to finish up some other projects first. I believe part of my training as a writer is to finish what I start.

Well, Raven has already kicked someone ass in the first few pages. It doesn't surprise me, she has been pacing in the  back of my mind waiting to be let loose. She's been waiting every since I introduced her in "Raven's Transformation."

I'm going to take my time crafting Raven's story. I want to do her justice. She's been very understanding waiting for me to get to her and her story.

I do so love vampires. What about you? Are you still liking the vampire trend?


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bitten By Books Interview with Paranormal Author - Marcia Colette

I'm getting ready for work but, wanted to post a quick note: Don't miss my friend's interview at Bitten By Books. The event starts at 1200 today and runs through the evening. I'll be there! (After work of course.) She's be talking about her latest release "Stripped." You need to RSVP and show up the day of the release for a chance to win a prize. I'll be there!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Started working on the opening lines for the follow-up of "Raven's Transformation." Editing was  starting to fry my brain. I like the opening but, it may change. For right now it feels good just getting the first few lines on paper (computer).

I was talking to my Mother on the phone the other day and she was shocked at the amount of work, real work that goes into producing a salable story. It's amazing to me how many people don't really see writing as work.

People who know I write, think you sit down pump a story in a week or two and send it in to be published. They see three steps.

Step 1 - write story
Step 2 - send story in
Step 3 - publish story

It's more like:
Step 1 - write first draft
Step 2 - write 2nd draft
Step 3 - write 3rd draft
Step 4 - self edit
Step 5 - Beta reader/crit group/partner
Step 6 - edit again
Step 7 - polish check for grammar
Step 8 - query agents
Step 9 - receive rejections
Step 10 - Edit using agents suggestions
Step 11 - send out manuscript again
Step 12 - wait
Step 13 Start all over again

Oh and the whole time the submission process is going on, you need to be working on your next best seller.


Monday, July 5, 2010


Not much going on here. Celebrated the 4th of July with the the kids. Helping my new adopted kitten King Leonidas get settled into his new surroundings. Finally got back on the internet after my daughter decided to re-wire my network while I was working a 12 hour shift. Hanging out with friends but, I've got 3 days off and it's time to get down to business. So, I'll leave you with a couple of recent pictures and take my leave.