Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Well, I've gotten a couple of critque's on my WIP. Most of it was stuff I know I needed to fix. I desepartely needed the input from other writers and not just beta readers. So, why am I so down? I knew some of my sentences were chunky and not smooth and it needed a lot of work before it was ready for submission.

Today, after doing the Mommy thing and taking the girls out for a bit of fun, I will be concentrating on edits and rewrites.

Monday, June 21, 2010


No major news today. No news at all actually. I've just been reading, studying and trying to apply new things in my writing. I did join a pretty cool writing/crit group. If you remember, a while back I was looking for a crit partner/group. I do have 2 beta readers but, I'd really like a local crit group or partner. Someone I could met and discuss things over coffee.

What I'm reading: Re-reading Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. (Love her writing)


Saturday, June 12, 2010

All Things Urban Fantasy: PSF Guest Blog & Giveaway: Marcia Colette “ Stripped”

My friend Marcia Colette is guest blogging at All Things Urban Fantasy today. Click on the link below and head on over there for a chance to win a copy of her new release "Stripped."

All Things Urban Fantasy: PSF Guest Blog & Giveaway: Marcia Colette “ Stripped”

Monday, June 7, 2010

Query Letters

I am taking a break on editing and working on my query letter for Cursed Blood. I've written and re-written my query. Writing a brief information packed single page query that represents the heart and soul of your book...isn't easy. I want to convey the plot but, not give everything away.

A potential agent to represent my work is first of all, a reader. They want to be drawn into your characters, plot and the world you've created. I want my agent (when I get one) to be a fan of my writing. Ideally, she or he will be just as excited to read my work as I am when I'm creating it.

I  like most writers have my list of dream agents. One day, I might just land one of them. (fingers crossed) I've already been advised by a couple of writer friends that landing an agent is no easy task. The publishing industry has become more selective.

That's why, I'm taking my time with my query. I'm  just estatic that I'm at the point of actually needing to craft a query for my MS:)

I almost forgot! My friend Marcia Colette's book "Stripped" is now available in paperback! I've already ordered my copy:) I'll have to take Marcia out to lunch and get her to sign it when it comes in.