Pins and Needles, that's what I'm sitting on. I know that getting a short story published may not seem like a lot to some people but, it means a lot to me. I've never had anything published before. I was told by the publisher that my copy of the anthology would be arriving approximately mid-October. Well, it's October fifteenth and you know what that means, I'm looking for my author's copy to arrive anytime now.
I told a couple of my friends how nervous I was and they were like, Melissa, just chill out. They didn't change their minds or anything. It'll come in a few days or so.( I also had a friend who is a published author tell me the same.)
My friends are very sweet but, they aren't writers. They don't have any idea how important it is to an aspiring author to get that first story published and receive some positive reinforcement that their work is worth something and that someone actually might enjoy reading something I've written.
Don't get me wrong, I've gotten positive feedback from family and friends that have read my stories before submission but, you really don't know if you have potential talent until a professional says, "Hey we like your work and want to publish it."
Well, I'll keep writing until my copy arrives, then I'll take a day or two to celebrate. (I really won't believe it until I'm holding my author's copy in my own little hands. Sigh:)