I am working really hard meeting my deadline for completing my MS. Just added six more pages today. I've met my daily writing goal for today but, I have to work the for the next four days straight and probably won't have time to write but, two of the four so, I plan on taking a coffee break then getting back to writing.
I remember when I thought I'd never get to 30,000 words, now I've passed that. I also remember thinking that I would never get published and that all this writing was for me. (Well, I'm not published yet but, I should be hopefully come mid-November:)
Being an writer is not easy work. Once you get one piece of work accepted, you have immediately or should I say continuously produce. I've already got the next novel length book in mind for the next book after "Cursed Blood." I've already got a partial plot going for Raven, the character in my short story.(eight pages of type written notes on characters and plotting.)
I met my writing goals for 2009 already and have set new goals for 2010. Wish me lots of luck.
Urban Fantasy Novelist In The Making;)