Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama and Spider-man?

It seems that everyone is celebrating the inauguration. Even Marvel comics has gotten into the swing of things with a special edition Amazing Spider-man comic.

Sometime during the race for the presidency, Obama remarked that he was a big Spider-man fan and the creative forces at Marvel took it from there.

I have to admit, I'm a Spidey fan also. Now, I don't feel like such a nerd knowing that my soon to be President is also.

Tomorrow I won't be able to go to Washington and see first hand but, like so many other Americans, I'll gather my family around the TV and watch President Obama get sworn in with pride and hope in America in my heart.

Melissa NC

Sunday, January 11, 2009


It's the beginning of a new year. This year I have decided to continue to set goals and actively work toward achieving them, not make resolutions. Is there a difference? I think so.

Resolutions are normally things you want to change about yourself or life. Goals are the things that we are hopefully actively working to achieve whether the New Year is rolling in or not.

The New Year for me, is a time to reaffirm, continue working toward and maybe tweak my method of reaching my goals that I have already set into motion.

How about you? Goals or Resolutions?
