Sunday, December 27, 2009


Today I was talking to my BFF regarding a plot twist that I was considering with my WIP when I noticed a far away look in her eyes. She excused herself and got up from lunch and went to tell a total stranger something.

She came back and said continue but, I realized that as a writer/author just because you live and breathe your work, everybody else does not.

I so, need a crit partner or writing crit group. Anyway, the good news is, I'm still plugging away on "Cursed Blood." I'm still waking up at 4:30am and writing to ensure my writing time.

I just went over the 50,000 word mark. I remember when I didn't think I'd even reach 30,000 words and now I'm over half-way done!

I'm so excited because I'll actually have completed my first novel. Don't get me wrong, I know that I have several re-writes ahead of me. Rachel Vincent I believe said, she had 6 re-writes before she sold her first novel. It just feels good to finally have my baby on paper.

I'm also excited about starting my new WIP once I finish "Cursed Blood." I read recently that your WIP isn't finished until you've actually submitted and had it published. I really like that idea.

I've been inspired by quite a few writers and authors lately. Nike says just do it. My mantra is...just keep writing, just keep writing. They will read it.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Taking today off from writing and enjoying the holiday with family and friends. I'll be doing lots of driving today and probably lots of eating. Grandma is cooking a big meal for the family. Guess I'll be one of those people with a New Years resolution to loose a couple of pounds but, it's worth it:)

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Drive safely or have a safe flight.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well, I've been working hard on novel length WIP "Cursed Blood." As a matter of fact, I've been getting up at either 4 or 4:30 am to ensure time for writing just encase work wipes me out and I'm too tired to write after.

After finishing it up I plan on starting on Raven's story, the character in my short story that's out now with Leucrota Press in Abaculus III.

I've already got some ideas of the direction I want to take Raven. She's turning out to be quite a complicated character/creature and I'm loving it! I work on her character sketch when my muse takes a nap on "Cursed Blood." I enjoy fleshing my characters out with words and pictures.

Speaking of work, that's where I'm heading now:(


Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Raven's Transformation"

My author's copy of my short story "Raven's Transformation" came today! It's published in an anthology called Abaculus III by Leucrota Press. It's the first story, the first anything I've had published so, you can imagine my excitement.

I can finally say, I'm a published author! It really doesn't seem real until you actually have the book in your hand and see your name on the page. That's what I kept saying to my friend Marcia. Even after the letter of congratulations from the publisher and and contract that I had to sign, I really didn't truly believe until I received the book in the mail today.

I love the cover! I'm an avid reader as well as author and I know how important a cool cover is. Cool covers attract your attention. They may not get you to purchase the book but, if they can get your attention then, at least your probably at least read the jacket and if it's good enough, you might purchase the book.

Well, now that "Raven's Transformation" has been published, it's time to work on getting "The Prodigal Demon" and "Cursed Blood" published.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I'm back from a short vacation. While I was away, I decided to take some advice offered by Marcia Colette at her blog and start learning about the publishing business itself.

I've already learned an important lesson, patience. Nothing happens with the speed of lighting. Last year I submitted my short story "Raven's Transformation" for publication in an anthology. It was accepted but, it hasn't been released yet. Hopefully, Nov. 20th it will be released.

Back to learning about the publishing business, I picked up several writing journals and books on writing markets. The journals offer a lot of good advise for new writers like myself trying to establish a writing career.

I plan on going to more writer conventions in the future also. At Raven Con last year, it was a pleasant surprise to find that most writers/authors seem to really want to help up and coming writers. It was also cool that I got to see Marcia leading a panel.

I hope by learning as much as I can about the business itself, I'll be able to better present myself as a serious writer and avoid some mistakes I may have otherwise made. I'll keep you posted!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Yep, I'll be out of town and offline but, I'm packing my laptop and books to take with me. I'm taking a long anticipated mini-vacation:) I'm taking my girls and hitting the road. I'll have to blog at you later.

Still keeping my fingers crossed. My short story is suppose to come out Friday! I can't wait to see something I created in print!

Have a great, safe weekend!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Yep, I'm a fan-girl. I may be an aspiring author but, I'm also a fan-girl. I can't wait to get my hands on Kim Harrison's new Hollows series release, "Black Magic Sanction."

If I haven't mentioned it before, Kim was actually the person that inspired me to try my hand at writing. No, I don't know her. I've never even met her before. I only know her like most people, though her books, website and blog.

So, how did Kim inspire me to start writing? I read her books and absolutely fell in love with her characters, her style, her world building, pacing and not to mention her Delicious tension she was able to create.

Because of Ms. Harrison and some not so subtle prodding from a few close friends, my short story "Raven's Transformation" should be coming out this month. (Sigh)

So, I owe a big thank you to Ms. Harrison for being such an awesome writer and inspiration for aspiring writers like myself.

Who or what inspired you to start writing?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pins and Needles

Pins and Needles, that's what I'm sitting on. I know that getting a short story published may not seem like a lot to some people but, it means a lot to me. I've never had anything published before. I was told by the publisher that my copy of the anthology would be arriving approximately mid-October. Well, it's October fifteenth and you know what that means, I'm looking for my author's copy to arrive anytime now.

I told a couple of my friends how nervous I was and they were like, Melissa, just chill out. They didn't change their minds or anything. It'll come in a few days or so.( I also had a friend who is a published author tell me the same.)

My friends are very sweet but, they aren't writers. They don't have any idea how important it is to an aspiring author to get that first story published and receive some positive reinforcement that their work is worth something and that someone actually might enjoy reading something I've written.

Don't get me wrong, I've gotten positive feedback from family and friends that have read my stories before submission but, you really don't know if you have potential talent until a professional says, "Hey we like your work and want to publish it."

Well, I'll keep writing until my copy arrives, then I'll take a day or two to celebrate. (I really won't believe it until I'm holding my author's copy in my own little hands. Sigh:)



Sunday, September 6, 2009


You may have noticed that I follow several blogs. Deadline Dames and Magical Words are two blogs that I read daily. Those two blogs are geared toward new writers and new authors. Both are full of really good information and advise.

As a new writer/author I often find myself in a quandary of self doubt. Is my writing good enough? Will anyone want to read it? Maybe I don't have what it takes to make it as a writer. Damne Lili has a great pep talk over on Deadline Dames. It's just what the doctor ordered if you like most go through periods of self doubt. There's another great post by a new author, Tracy O'Hara Feeling Like an Imposter In writer's Clothing.

If your a writer who needs a little TLC and support, log on to Deadline Dames. I'm getting ready to fire up my writing muse and knock out a couple of pages on my WIP. Yep, today is another long one. Twelve hours of nursing followed by loads of coffee and a few more hours of writing.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Six More

I am working really hard meeting my deadline for completing my MS. Just added six more pages today. I've met my daily writing goal for today but, I have to work the for the next four days straight and probably won't have time to write but, two of the four so, I plan on taking a coffee break then getting back to writing.

I remember when I thought I'd never get to 30,000 words, now I've passed that. I also remember thinking that I would never get published and that all this writing was for me. (Well, I'm not published yet but, I should be hopefully come mid-November:)

Being an writer is not easy work. Once you get one piece of work accepted, you have immediately or should I say continuously produce. I've already got the next novel length book in mind for the next book after "Cursed Blood." I've already got a partial plot going for Raven, the character in my short story.(eight pages of type written notes on characters and plotting.)

I met my writing goals for 2009 already and have set new goals for 2010. Wish me lots of luck.

Urban Fantasy Novelist In The Making;)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Writing Progress

Just did six pages on "Cursed Blood." My page goal is at least four pages a day so, for today, I surpassed my goal. I have been pretty busy with family and getting the girls ready for school as well as trying to spend quality Mommy time with them.

If I'm going to met my goal of finishing my MS by Jan., I have some catching up to do. But, for today I am happy:)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Sitting on my couch visiting with family. We have been having a great time. We are all getting ready to go out. I've not had any time for writing the last couple of days. I'll have to make up for time later this week. I've got a deadline for completing "Cursed Blood."

Blog at you later.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Stripped" Release Day!

Today is really special day because today is my birthday and my friend Marcia Colette's book "Stripped" is released. After reading "Unstable Environment," I am definitely buying a copy of "Stripped."

My friend has turned into one of those author's that make me stop everything I'm working on at the time and read her book. Kim Harrison use to be the only other author that could do that.

Make sure you pick up a copy. You won't be disappointed. Click on the picture of "Stripped" on the right of my blog to visit Marcia's website.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Published Author!

Published Author! I just found out today that my short story "Raven's Transformation" is going to be published! It's still seems unreal. I imagine that it won't seem real until I'm holding my own hot little copy in my own hands.

I started this blog as my journey to publication. Now, it's my journey as a published author aspiring to become a novelist!

One of the goals I set as a writer was to become published by 2009. Now that I've reached that writing goal, I've got to set up new goals for this year and next year.

I want to say thank you to Marcia Colette for being so sweet and also for being supportive and such a great role model and inspiration for me.

Finding out that your writing is good enough for a publisher on the fourth of July...Priceless.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Wow, I hadn't realized that it's been so long since my last blog! I've been busy. I have a short story submission sitting at the publisher waiting to hear on that. I've rewritten "The Prodigal Demon." I'm really excited about that one. Even though it didn't place in a contest, I really like this story. I'll keep plugging away until it finds a home.

I'm almost finished my novel length MS, "Cursed Blood." I have plotted out several storyline/plots surrounding the characters in this MS, enough to be at least a six book series.

I've started plotting a second novel length MS featuring Raven, the character from "Raven's Transformation," the short story I sent to the publisher. I also plan on turning "Raven's Transformation" into a series.

If you get a chance, stop by my friend Marcia's blog. You can click on it on the right side of my blog page. She has a smoking new cover for her upcoming book.

Also, my friend Magaly has a book review up o Girls with Books.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Sorry for the long post absence. I've been busy with my day job. I do have good news though. In my last post, I reference writing like you have a contract(No, I don't have a contract.)but, I'm writing like I have one.

I just sent my short story off to a publisher. I hope they except it but, even if they don't, just submitting brings me closer to publication.

I have to go in to work tonight so, I'm taking a break from writing for the rest of the day but, bright and early tomorrow it's back to the keyboard to work on rewriting The Prodigal Demon and finishing Cursed Blood.

P.S. The image above can be found at

Monday, May 18, 2009


"Write like you have a contract." - Kim Harrison. Those are six words of advice that Kim gives to aspiring writers like myself and my friend and blog buddy Magaly. She also goes on to say that you have to write if you feel like it or not.

For aspiring authors like me, that's good advise. I have to admit that I haven't always followed it but, I have realized how important this advise really is.

It makes the difference in starting and finishing a project. It makes the difference in turning in your best work possible. It makes a difference in avoiding the deadline rush. It makes a difference in building your professionalism as a writer. It makes a difference in separating the ones who make in in the publishing world and those who don't.

Dedication, persistence and commitment to excellence and writing like you have a contract can only enhance your chances of becoming a published author/novelist.

What about you? Have you committed to writing like you have a contract? After a disappointing month writing wise, I have.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I know I've only been to one Con but, I can already see the value of attending Cons. There's another Con coming up, Con Carolinas. It will be May 29th to May 31st. I really wish I could go but, my new stovetop is arriving in a few minutes. (Priorites, Priorites)

Anyway, if you can, go check it out. Paranormal author Marcia Colette will be on the Urban Fantasy panel. I absoultely love her writing style. I was happy to met her in person at Raven Con. Don't tell her but, she's an inspiration to me.

You can go to Marcia's site to learn more.


Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm back home from Raven Con. I had a wonderful time. I got to meet Marcia Colette in person after blogging and e-mailing her back and forth. I sat in on her first panel Twice told tales. She didn't know she was moderating until she arrived at the Con. She did a great job. I got her to sign her book for me. Wish we had more time to talk but, I had my girls with me.

I was able to go to the Con on Friday and Sat. I mostly listened trying to learn as much as possible and, I did learn a lot. I think I prefer the smaller Con events over the large ones. I liked being in small conference rooms up close to some of your favorite authors and being able to have your questions answered personally.

It was so cool sitting in on the panel with David Coe and Missy Massey and thinking, that I follow their blog and advise on Magical Words.

The Raven Con Convention was very inspirational and encouraging.

Oh! The Romantic Times convention was this weekend and friend Marie-Claude Bourque won! That means Ancient Whispers is going to be published. I am so happy for her. She has worked so hard for this. I'll be buying her book as soon as it hits the shelf. I've got to support my peeps.

Well, time to start working on the 3rd draft of Raven's Transformation.

Melissa C

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well, I logged on to the internet after re-writing my short story for the 2nd time that I'm planning on submitting, and found out that my short story I entered for a contest didn't win.

I really didn't expect to win the first contest I've ever entered but, I was hoping to at least place.(Sigh) Not only am I disappointed at not placing but, I got no feed back from the contest. I didn't even get a form letter letting me know the winners had been announced.

Well, I'm certainly glad I did my re-write before I found out about the contest.


Monday, March 30, 2009


I've targeted two writing contest. The first contest is a Short-Story contest. The deadline for that one is May 30th. The other is a Starter Phrase. The deadline for that one is April 20th. I'm thinking about entering a third which the deadline is June 20th.

Along with all of this, I'm still planning on completing my MS by this summer and starting Melissa's Urban Fantasy site.

I figure, if I'm going to be a writer, then I've got to start acting like one. (Deadlines included)It's time to move writing up on the priority list.

I've also been debating on contacting a publisher directly as opposed to trying to land an agent. I haven't made my mind up on that one yet.

I'm hoping to hear something back in April regarding the short story I submitted called "The Prodigal Demon." I entered it in a short story contest back in Nov. The wait is killing me.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


I was looking at my blog site and noticed that it looks cool but, it's more about my favorite authors than self promotion and one day becoming a published author myself.

So, with that in mind, I'll be making some changes over the next few weeks to it's appearance to become more reflective of my pursuits in writing. Along with the changes to this site, I'll be launching Melissa's Urban Fantasy blog site which will feature short stories that introduce some of my characters from upcoming manuscripts.

Some short stories will be entered into contest while others will be turned into novellas as a way of introducing characters that will later be featured in novel length manuscripts. My friend and proofreader has my first short story in her hot little hands right now.

It's time to get serious about this writing thing.

Congrats to Marcia Colette on her two new writing contracts. (Happy Dance, Happy Dance)

Here's a picture of my writing cave:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm pretty wiped out today. I worked the night shift with 2 hours sleep before and 2 hours sleep after. If I feel up to it, I'll play around with the character keeper free software I downloaded from the Magical Words blog site to the right of my blog.

Tonight, I'm just catching up on my rest. No writing today. Next month, I'm changing to days so, just a little longer to hold out.

Not much to blog about today so, I'll leave you with one of my drawings. Maybe one day I can turn my love of drawing and writing into a comic. Hmmmm?


Sunday, March 22, 2009


Coming soon! "Transformation of Raven." April 1st on Melissa's Urban Fantasy Blog.


Saturday, March 21, 2009


Okay, we are down to the final two contestants for the American Title V, and my friend Marie is still in the running. The title of her book is Ancient Whispers.
The winner of this last round will get the ultimate...their book will be published. You can vote at romantic times.
I've already voted and am keeping my fingers crossed. She's so close now! Head on over there now before you get distracted and cast your vote for her.
Yeah, I know. I'm biased.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Projects and Addtions

I am working on a new site that will feature only my short stories that you will be able to link to from The Dark Whisper. I have also added a link to my livejournal blog. I will keep you uptodate with projects, contests and what I'm up too there.

Hopefully my new site will be up in about two weeks. I'm trying to figure out the format right now and working on short stories for the site.

I wrote a short story called "Raven's Transformation" this morning. It's an introduction to a character that will be featured in my next MS.

And yes, thank God, I'm writing again after two weeks of not writing. My life is extremely busy and I don't see any slowing down in the near future so, writing has to be moved up on the priority list.

Signed Happy Writer

Saturday, March 14, 2009


This last week and a half has been very busy, my day job and family life. I have not had any time to write or even think about my WIP "Cursed Blood."

I did not meet my goal of completing my MS by the end of Feb. Now I'm shooting for completion by the time I'm on my way to Raven Con.

Still waiting for the results my short story "The Prodigal Demon." Those results won't be in until April.

I've decided to write more short stories, following the advise I got from a Kim Harrison video from New York Comic Con. (Magaly posted it on her site.) That means that I've got to find time to write somewhere.

They never said the road to publication would be easy. If it were, more people would be doing it:)


Thursday, February 26, 2009


My former classmate and blog friend Marie-Claude Bourque is in the finals for the American Title V at Romantic Times.

The winner of this contest gets the ultimate, their book published. Head on over to and cast your vote.

She must be good. I'm working for her for free and she hasn't even hired me:)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Raven Con

I am officially going to my first writer's convention. I am looking forward to meeting like minded people who won't think I'm a complete nut for thinking that I can one day be a published writer.

Friends and family are supportive but, there's nothing like being surrounded by people of your own kind. I think it will be both inspirational and motivational.

With the publishing world being hit with the financial crisis like everyone else this past week, I could use all the encouragement possible.

One of my blog friends Marcia Colette is going to be speaking on one of the writer's panels. How cool is that? I'm also taking my daughters with me. I've already explained to them that there will be some nerdy, some geeky and some die hard fans that will dress totally out as one of their favorite characters from a book or movie series.

One of my other blog friends got to go to the the ultimate, the New York Comic Con and was able to meet my all time favorite author Kim Harrison. (Sigh) Kim even thanked her on her drama page for giving her the You Tube video that features Kim talking about short stories vs long stories. You can click on the cover of White Witch Black Curse to find the link to her video on the right of my page.

Last but, not least, Kim has the first five chapters up for your reading pleasure at EOS publishing. You can also click on this link at her website. I haven't read it yet. I'm saving it as an after work treat:)


Thursday, February 5, 2009


Kim Harrison's editors have finally let go of the death grip they were holding on the excerpt from White Witch Black Curse. Scroll down and click on the book's cover and you'll find the link on Kim's drama page.

I've just finished reading it. It just makes me want the book even more. God, Kim is such a tease!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Great day for writing. I cranked out 11 pages today on my urban fantasy WIP. If I keep up the good work, I'll meet my self imposed deadline:) I hope to have my MS polished and complete by July:) Working full-time and writing is no easy job:( But, on the upside, I can always muster enough energy for four or five pages.

I found a great new blog called Deadline Dames featuring two of my favorite authors, Rachel Vincent and Keri Arthur. You can click on the Pride cover on the right of my blog and find it there. They are really hitting home with some great blogs with advise and tips for writers.

I forgot to mention yesterday, Rachel's new book Pride is out. The snow is melting so, I should be able to get out a little later and pick it up.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

L A Banks

The last book in the Vampire
Huntress Legends by L A Banks comes out today. I am happy and sad. I have enjoyed the ride but sadly it has come to an end. I'll be picking up my copy later today. I want to saviour it.

Well for any other L A Banks fans, she has another series out. The first is Bad Blood and the second in the series is called Bite the Bullet. From Vamps to Werewolves.

Anyway, I'll try not to be too sad. I have about 15 books on my TBR list sitting on my shelf. I haven't had as much time to read since I started writing myself. So, it's all good:)


Monday, February 2, 2009


Friday, I had the chance to see Underworld Rise of The Lycans. I loved it. It had the potential to be a better movie but, I loved it just the same. I have to admit that I am a little biased because I read, write and just love urban fantasy in general.

It didn't hurt that my two favorite paranormal creatures are werewolves an vampires. This movie is the prequel to Underworld and Underworld Evolution which I saw at the movies and also own on DVD.

I don't want to give the movie/movies away so, I'll keep it general. Underworld tells the epic story regarding a centuries old war between werewolves and vampires, Rise of The Lycans tells from the werewolf point of view how the war started. The other previous movies are told from the vampires point of view.

I have to warn you, there's a bit of kick-ass fights in this one, involving quite a bit of a blood. Hey, what do you expect? It is a war movie with vampires and werewolves.

I couldn't call myself an urban fantasy writer/enthusiast without going to see this movie. I'll give this movie a B+. I would have liked to give it an A but, like I said before, it had the potential to be a great movie not just good.

You can click on Marcia Collete's link on the right of my blog page and follow the link to Shapeshifter Romance and read her review of Rise of The Lycans:)


Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama and Spider-man?

It seems that everyone is celebrating the inauguration. Even Marvel comics has gotten into the swing of things with a special edition Amazing Spider-man comic.

Sometime during the race for the presidency, Obama remarked that he was a big Spider-man fan and the creative forces at Marvel took it from there.

I have to admit, I'm a Spidey fan also. Now, I don't feel like such a nerd knowing that my soon to be President is also.

Tomorrow I won't be able to go to Washington and see first hand but, like so many other Americans, I'll gather my family around the TV and watch President Obama get sworn in with pride and hope in America in my heart.

Melissa NC

Sunday, January 11, 2009


It's the beginning of a new year. This year I have decided to continue to set goals and actively work toward achieving them, not make resolutions. Is there a difference? I think so.

Resolutions are normally things you want to change about yourself or life. Goals are the things that we are hopefully actively working to achieve whether the New Year is rolling in or not.

The New Year for me, is a time to reaffirm, continue working toward and maybe tweak my method of reaching my goals that I have already set into motion.

How about you? Goals or Resolutions?
